When you have been on the internet long enough, there is a big chance that you have seen videos of angry Pomeranians. But why are they so angry?
There is a big amount of Pomeranians that have got a very angry side to them. The reason for this can vary greatly. (Bad) genetics, bad socialization, and a very strong will of their own can all cause their Jeckyl and Hyde personality.
To explain the angry Pomeranian temperament a bit further, we will dive into the breed a bit further. The effects of bad socialization and bad genetics will also be explained.
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The Pomeranian
The fluffy Pomeranian is a pretty sight to see. With their long, soft coats and friendly faces, they look incredibly huggable. The characteristics of this dog breed are very promising as they are active and playful, are attached to their owners, and are very intelligent.
They are very alert, and therefore they are useful in the protection of your home. When presented with an unknown situation they will bark, as this barking is another character trait of the Pomeranian.
The first reason why so many Pomeranian dogs have gotten a reputation for being angry is found in this tendency to bark. While barking is a very normal way of communicating in dogs, humans often have trouble interpreting this barking behavior. While some people understand that there can be different meanings to barking, there are also humans that label every barking dog as angry or aggressive.
Another characteristic of the Pomeranian is their strong will. They truly have a mind of their own and are sure to tell you exactly what they want. While in some situations that can cause problems like demand barking, it can be at the base of angry barking as well. All dogs have their character when it comes down to being approached or touched. And where some dogs use subtle communication or just undergo the contact when their boundaries are violated, Pomeranians are more inclined to immediately tell you to back off.
The Pomeranian’s tendency to bark alone can be a cause for them to be labeled as angry. However, the socialization of a Pomeranian can play a very big part in this as well. Every dog needs proper socialization to be a stable member of the family. Not socializing your dog, or doing it wrong, can cause it to be scared of very normal situations. When your dog is scared, it is highly likely for them to pick a behavior that we as humans label as unwanted, anti-social, dominant, or even aggressive. But keep in mind that these responses are often automatic and triggered by a survival instinct. With Pomeranian’s genetic disposition to bark, they will often pick a fight response. Further escalation of this communication can lead to snarling and even biting when they have not learned to properly deal with new situations.
Socializing your dog can help reduce the risk of this happening. But while people often think that letting your dog meet with as many people, dogs, and animals and seeking out as many new situations as possible does the trick, that is not entirely true. Creating a positive association with as many things as possible, by carefully planning out situations, not overdoing it, and being neutral around triggers rather than meeting all of them is key. Playing with new dogs and people is best planned out beforehand instead of random.
Bad Genetics
Sadly, the popularity of the Pomeranian has not been good for the breed. While this is a problem that stretches further than just the Pomeranian breed, a breed that is sought after often also attracts the attention of the wrong people: the backyard breeder or puppy mill.
Lots of people do not care where their dog comes from, get tricked into thinking that they are buying from a responsible breeder, or simply do not have the money to buy from a good breeder. Besides the moral discussion around puppy mills and backyard breeders, there are other problems to buying from an irresponsible breeder. While the responsible breeders make sure that there are no health problems or behavioral problems in the parents of your new puppy by having them tested and examined, this is not done by irresponsible breeders. The result is that dogs often are bred for their looks and not their temperament or health.
Some things, like fear issues and health risks, can be genetic. With buying a dog who has predisposed fear and/or health issues you are setting yourself up for failure. Fear is one of the most common causes of ‘angry’ behavior in dogs. But unknown health issues can surely also be a cause for a Jeckyl and Hyde personality.
Final Thoughts
While there are enough movie clips of angry Pomeranians, vicious behavior isn’t a character trait that is very common for the breed.
Several factors are at play when a Pomeranian seems to be lashing out a lot. While it can be the case that their tendency to bark is explained poorly, more often it’s bad socialization that exaggerates this already present character trait. Add a big chance of losing the genetics lottery because of backyard breeding to the mix, and there is the angry Pomeranian.
While a lot of times the angry nature of the Pomeranian can be explained through behavioral issues, sometimes your angry Pom is just having a hard time dealing with health problems. If your Pomeranian has suddenly changed its behavior, a trip to the vet is a good start.

Hi! My name is Joan. I’m 25 years old, and I live in The Netherlands. I work in healthcare and study applied psychology. Besides this, I am helping my dog Chester recover from a bad start in life.